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Year 12 students have research published

Posted: 29th July 2022

students and teachers in the classroom

The Summer Term of 2022 was a really exciting time for the Sixth Form at Hampton Court House with the launch of the Nebula Future Researchers Programme. Through our recently established partnership with leading research organisation Nebula Research, our Year 12 students were given the opportunity to work on – and subsequently publish – a piece of research.

At HCH we pride ourselves on the educational opportunities that we provide our students with, and this partnership is yet another example of this. There is no doubt in our minds about how fantastic our students are, and how promising their educational futures will be after leaving us. To further enhance their educational futures is something we will continue to do.

This programme gives our exceptional students the autonomy to produce a piece of research in a field that is pertinent to their interests and future educational goals. Working under a Lead Professor from Nebula Research, our students benefited from exceptional coaching and support. Academics at Nebula taught our students how to conduct rigorous and exceptionally high-quality research – something that is sure to further differentiate them from their cohorts at university.

Our students expressed first-hand how thrilled they were to be given this opportunity and have since noted how much better prepared they fell for University as a result of this programme.

The participating students were split into three groups and chose to conduct research in the following areas:

  • Is it Ethical to Use Thalidomide in the Modern Era?
  • Hydrogen vs. Electric: The Green Cars of the Future
  • The US’ Intervention in Afghanistan 2001 – 2021: Can it be Considered a Success?

Nebula Research were extremely impressed with the work produced.

Adding further value to our students’ résumés, their work will be officially published by Nebula – meaning our students will be fully published authors before even completing their A Levels!

As well as gaining valuable experience through the programme, official publication and authorship alongside a leading academic will look exceptional on CVs, personal statements, UCAS applications, etc.

We would like to extend our thanks to Nebula for this outstanding programme and hope to be able to continue this partnership moving forward to further enhance the educational outcomes of our exceptional students.