greenland and a lake

Headmaster’s Weekly Newsletter, 6th May 2022

Posted: 6th May 2022

Dear Parents,

As the sun begins to set over the HCH site, where I have just left my office circumventing an army of rabbits and waiving to the foxes, heron and ducks that lay siege to the site when the cacophony of the school day has ended, I am reminded of how peaceful and magical HCH is. I am so happy that this is a place of learning and discovery for our children.

Nourishing our Community (Part 1): Connect Catering

It is clear that everyone is loving the lunches and fresh new menus being offered by Connect Catering! So far this term, pupils and staff have enjoyed beautifully prepared and varied meals, including macaroni cheese, home-made scotch eggs, roasted vegetables and couscous. There is something for every palette and pupils have enjoyed putting feedback on post-it notes in the feedback box. Now that the sunshine is coming out more and more, we are all looking forward to many more lovely lunches outside on the lawn. Thank you Connect Catering!

Tackling Inequality: Bold Voices

On Wednesday we were visited again by Natasha and her team from Bold Voices. They delivered talks and workshops on the subject of gender inequality and sexual harassment to Years 7-13. Within the talks they discussed the context of inequality using statistics and stories of how inequality manifests itself in the world. They looked at gender roles and stereotypes and how representation through the media and popular cultures can influence how we perceive and treat women and marginalised genders. The talks support the learning students have been carrying out in their PSHE lessons and we very much hope to invite Bold Voices back next year.

Children’s Day: Koinobori

For those of you who have been in the Main Hall lately, you might have noticed the wonderful art hanging from the balcony. Koinobori , meaning “carp streamer” in Japanese, are carp-shaped windsocks traditionally flown in Japan to celebrate Children’s Day (which took place yesterday). These windsocks are made by drawing carp patterns on paper or fabric. Landscapes across Japan are decorated with Koinobori from April to early May in honour of children for a good future and in the hope that they will grow up healthy and strong.

According to the Japanese American National Museum, the koi fish was chosen as a symbol for Boys’ Day because “the Japanese consider it the most spirited fish — so full of energy and power that it can fight its way up swift-running streams and cascades. Because of its strength and determination to overcome all obstacles, it stands for courage and the ability to attain high goals. Since these are traits desired in children (boys), families traditionally flew Koinobori from their homes to honour their children.” It used to be black for dad, red for mum and blue for the boy in the family, but now as the festival is for all children, any colour is used.

Throughout Children’s Day, children also show gratitude and respect for relatives, parents, and teachers for support throughout their life. Year 5 students have created their own Koinobori with each student developing a unique pattern and colour palette for their streamer. HCH pupils painted their patterns onto plain white fabric and then used a sewing machine (some for the first time), to stitch the fabric together. Please do drop into the Main Hall when you can to view these beautiful windsocks.

Ukraine Fundraiser

As a reminder, on Wednesday 18th May, Jessica and our pupils will be hosting a fundraising event to raise funds for those affected by the crisis in Ukraine. More information and tickets can be found here.

Nourishing our Community (Part 2): Janak

It has been fantastic to have Janak back at HCH after missing him last term whilst he was at another school doing his PGCE placement. I know the whole community (especially my sons!) are ecstatic that he has returned. Welcome back Janak! We are looking forward to welcoming Megan back after half-term once she has finished her PGCE placement.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend with your families.

Best wishes,


Categories: News