ISA Shakespeare Monologue Competition 2022

Posted: 15th March 2022

At the start of January, both Year 6 and Year 7 students delved into the magical world of
William Shakespeare. Year 6 were introduced to the whimsy of A Midsummer Night’s Dream
and Year 7 enjoyed the humorous Twelfth Night. Students learnt about the plot, characters
and major themes in order to create their own original monologue from the perspective of
one of the characters from the play. The top two students from each year group were then
selected to enter the ISA Shakespeare Monologue Competition 2022. Here are their
monologues for you to enjoy; remember these students wrote and performed these
independently which is truly fantastic!

Malvolio of Twelfth Night in “A Steward’s Ambition”

Viola of Twelfth Night in “Washed Up”

Oberon of A Midsummer Night’s Dream in “Oberon’s Outrageous Command”

Robin Goodfellow of A Midsummer Night’s Dream in “The Mischievous Puck”